Monday, October 17, 2011

Peres:"The safety of each soldier is no less important than the safety of the nation as a whole."

(Jpost).President Shimon Peres on Monday morning said that everything related to the pardons of prisoners in the exchange deal for Gilad Schalit would be completed on time.

"Today is a very special day," Peres told reporters congregated in his sukkah in the presidential residence.
"These are not only long days, but very sensitive days,We're all very excited, this is a one time event with a lot of hope, but a lot of trepidation."

"Israel has confronted many problems, but also has enjoyed many successes."

"I'm always surprised that we have committees of inquiry regarding our problems, but no one has ever commissioned a committee of inquiry to investigate our successes. It's time that we did, so that we can achieve a greater perspective balance when looking at our history."
In his address to the hundreds of people who visited his sukkah , Peres paid tribute to Netanyahu for making the decision to release Schalit and to the government for accepting the collective responsibility to bring the captive soldier home in the prisoner exchange deal reached with Hamas.
"The safety of each soldier is no less important than the safety of the nation as a whole, and the anguish of a family who lost loved ones to terrorism is also the anguish of the nation."