Monday, October 24, 2011

Harav Ovadia to Netanyahu: "You did well, you did a good deed."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef late Sunday and discussed with him at length the efforts to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard and Ilan Grapel.

During the meeting, Netanyahu thanked the rabbi for his support and assistance in approving the Shalit deal. Rabbi Yosef had told Shas ministers to vote in favor of the deal and asked Interior Minister Eli Yishai to persuade other Cabinet ministers to vote in favor of it.

Harav Ovadia praised the Prime Minister for the release of Gilad Schalit.
“G-d is with you, in everything you do, Just as you did with Gilad Shalit. You did well, you did a good deed. There are those who oppose, I know, but if something has no opposition at all – that’s a sign that it’s wrong.