Monday, September 19, 2011

House Speaker Boehner: 'Israel Is Not Isolating Itself – Israel is Leading in the Middle East'

Speaker of the House John Boehner reiterated his commitment to Israel yesterday, in a speech given at the Jewish National Fund’s 2011 National Conference in Cincinnati.
“Like you, I have read suggestions by newspaper columnists and observers that events have overtaken Israel … that Israel is ‘isolating itself’ in the Middle East.

“That view is wrong, and always has been wrong.

“Israel is not isolating itself – Israel is leading in the Middle East.

“Israel does not stand alone – Israel stands above as the one true beacon of freedom and opportunity in the Middle East.

“We’re here to see that Israel continues to thrive – and to make clear it is America’s duty to stand by her side. Not just as a broker or observer – but as a strong partner and reliable ally.

“That’s why I’m pleased to report that the House has ensured – in this time of fiscal responsibility – that America meets its financial commitments to Israel.

“I’ve been Speaker of the House more than eight months now … we’ve had some significant moments in the chamber.

“For me, one of the most powerful occurred in May when Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.

“It was my honor to invite him. It was the least I could do for the leader of one of our closest allies in the world.

“Bibi did not disappoint. He received nearly 30 standing ovations … bipartisan standing ovations. All well-deserved....the American people deserved to hear from him – and Washington, quite frankly, needed to hear what he had to say.

“I invite the people in this room – and anyone as concerned as I am about the future of Israel – to speak out. Washington needs to hear from you, too.

“For this to be a truly transformational time, one thing cannot change … and that is America’s commitment to Israel’s future.

“Something the prime minister said in his speech to Congress has stuck with me.

“He was talking about how the Middle East stands at a crossroads. And he said: ‘Like all of you, I pray that the peoples of the region choose the path less traveled, the path of liberty.’

“It is the path less traveled isn’t it? We know freedom and democracy don’t come cheap. They require vigilance – they rely on the tools of persuasion and progress.

“Among those tools are strategic alliances built on trust, not fear or coercion.

“Our democracies are cut from the same cloth. Our peoples treasure the same values.

“Supporting Israel and her people has been the policy of this nation since Harry Truman sat in the Oval Office.

“Our commitment to Israel should be no less strong today. If anything, it should be stronger than it’s ever been. And, with your help, it will be. It must be.

“The lesson here is simple: words matter. The truth can pierce even the most stubborn defenses.

“It is up to us to tell Israel’s story … to spread Israel’s truth. The voice of America starts with the people in this room.