(via Natasha Mozgovaya-Haaretz).U.S. Jewish organizations provided universal praise for President Obama in their responses to the UN speech.
The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC),took the speech as an opportunity to claim that all the "political chatter" doubting the president's support for Israel should be "put to bed once and for all."
"As he has proven throughout his presidency, President Obama supports Israel and its people instinctively. Israel truly has no better friend in the world today."
"On behalf of the National Jewish Democratic Council's Board of Directors and leadership, we wish to express our thanks to President Barack Obama for passionately and eloquently standing up for Israel and the Jewish State's security needs at the United Nations today."
The Jewish Lobby AIPAC welcomed the speech:
"AIPAC appreciates the President’s “unshakeable” commitment to Israel’s security and his clear statements outlining the daily dangers and strategic threats facing Israel. President Obama demonstrated his understanding of Israel’s legitimate requirements when he stated that the Jewish people – in their historic homeland – deserve recognition and normal relations with their neighbors."
AJC's Executive Director David Harris said:
“President Obama’s message was crystal clear that the only path to sustainable peace is direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, not what goes on in the corridors of the UN."
The Conference of Presidents Chairman Richard Stone and Executive Vice Chairman Malcolm Hoenlein welcomed Obama's comments at the opening session of the UN General Assembly in support of direct negotiations, and his rejection of solutions imposed by outside parties, unilateral moves, or one sided declarations at the United Nations.
"The President correctly and clearly identified Israel’s security needs and challenges."
"The President said that 'the Jewish people have forged a successful state in their historic homeland' and that 'Israel deserves recognition', We specially note this formulation not only because it reaffirmed a historic truth but also because many in the hall he was addressing have sought to deny Israel’s ancient and constant connection to the land and others have refuse to recognize it as the Jewish State."
Jewish Council for Public Affairs President Rabbi Steve Gutow praised Obama for saying the United States is dedicated to achieving peace through bilateral negotiations.
“He (Obama) understands that peace is a cooperative venture. It needs leaders, partners, supporters, witnesses, and principled advocates. No sustainable peace can be achieved alone, The path to peace is paved with compromise and cooperation, not unilateralism.”
In a statement, Orthodox Union president Dr. Simcha Katz and director of public policy Nathan Diament congratulated Obama:
"for his clear statement of opposition to the Palestinians’ effort to unilaterally seek recognition at the United Nations instead of at the negotiating table with Israel. We also commend President Obama’s strong statements of support for Israel and his Administration’s commitment to Israel’s security."