Monday, August 22, 2011

Netanyahu tells Majority leader: 'Just as Iran threatens us, so too it threatens US'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with 25 Republican members of the US House of Representatives on Monday led by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and thanked them for their support of Israel.
"Those who fire missiles at Israel are supported by Iran with weapons, money and training. They constitute a forward Iranian post on our borders,"Just as Iran threatens us, so too it threatens the US."
The prime minister also spoke about the Iron Dome's effectiveness in intercepting missiles and his intention to station additional batteries.

Cantor voiced the most strenuous objections to the recognition of the Palestinian Authority as a state at the United Nations. He also warned that if the Palestinians realized their objective, their funding will be in jeopardy. "It essentially obviates all agreements of the past" said Cantor who also expressed his serious objection to the Palestinian Authority alliance with Hamas.

Asked how America would react to a barrage of rockets such as the onslaught against Israel, Cantor replied "America would not tolerate rockets being launched against our citizens."