Thursday, August 4, 2011

Netanyahu seizes opportunity; to put forward plan that will 'change the face of the country';

(Yossi Verter-Haaretz).Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees no danger to his coalition government as a result of the current wave of public protest, political figures quoted him as saying Wednesday.

In about six weeks, before the high holidays, Netanyahu will present a plan that will "change the face of the country," the sources quoted him as saying.

Netanyahu said the plan's main points were to break the monopolies that are preventing competition and to slash indirect taxes.

Netanyahu said he identifies with the grievances that are at the basis of the protest.
"This can be our great opportunity,No one can complain about the economy. The economy is working. But there are complaints, justified complaints, about the hardships of daily life, about the high cost of living.

"Everyone is asking me how I plan to deal with the political situation. My political strategy for the coming year is simple: Take real and serious care of these problems. My goal is not to dismantle the tents. They will not be dismantled. They are there to be there."
As the Knesset went into its long summer recess Wednesday until October 31, Netanyahu reportedly left the building in good spirits. His pet legislation, the bill to set up new housing committees, has been passed. Before acceding to some of the protesters' demands, he showed protest leader Daphni Leef and her friends from the Rothschild Boulevard tents who's boss. Now, after he has proved that he cannot be pressured, he can allow himself to be generous.

Netanyahu believes that in a year and a half, before the next elections, the results of this reform will be felt throughout the country in the addition of tens of thousands of apartments and a real decline in purchase and rental prices.
"They say they want cheap housing. The purpose of the National Housing Committees Law is to flood the country with housing, That will bring down prices. So why are they against it? Think about it."