Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mofaz asks Kadima Council to move up election of party chairperson

(Ynet).Knesset Member Shaul Mofaz on Wednesday evening called on Kadima Council members to move up the date set for the election of the party's chairperson and present a proper alternative to the Likud.

"We must set a date for running for the party's leadership in order to differentiate ourselves and give ourselves the option to create a real alternative. It's unthinkable that the Kadima chairperson will be elected only two months before the general elections," Mofaz wrote in his speech.

The former minister went on to explain that while all other parties would be busy with their campaigns with an agreed upon candidate supported by everyone, Kadima would be busy with primary elections.

"They will all stand as one behind a candidate, while we will be busy with an internal struggle," he stated.

Mofaz also warned in his speech that the party's code would prevent it from winning the next elections: "This is a draconian and anti-democratic code. We define ourselves as an alternative to the government and as different politics. There is no different politics with such a code."

During the Kadima Council meeting, Chairwoman Tzipi Livni chose to attack the Labor Party. "What a difference between this conference and yesterday's one. One day apart – and two completely different worlds. I am proud to be here at this discussion.

"Kadima is a party in which all members want to take part, by choice. A party where we talk about content rather than about chairs, about a vision rather than about a code. A party one is proud to be part of.

"We are a party of values, and we are not in the Opposition by chance. In our party, we remain loyal to what we said even after the elections. There is no coalitional agreement which will make us vote against what we believe in. this is what we have chosen," said Livni