Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Poll: 77% of Americans Say Peace Treaty Must Include Recognition of Israel’s Right to Exist

(Rasmussenreports).With Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on the front-burner again, voters continue to believe strongly that any agreement must include recognition by Palestinian leaders of Israel’s right to exist. But most voters think that recognition is unlikely.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 77% of U.S. voters think Palestinian leaders must acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. Support for this position has ranged from 65% in March 2006 to 81% in June of last year.

Just seven percent (7%) now disagree, and 16% are not sure.

However, only 25% of voters think it is even somewhat likely that the Palestinian leadership will recognize Israel’s right to exist, while 64% say it is unlikely. This includes six percent (6%) who say recognition is Very Likely and 19% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are unchanged from June 2009.

Voters remain less enthusiastic about requiring Israel to accept the creation of a Palestinian state as part of a peace agreement between the two sides. Fifty-one percent (51%) say Israel should be required to do so, down six points from the previous survey. Twenty-seven percent (27%) disagree, and 22% more are not sure.

Voters also continue to have mixed feelings over whether Israel will agree to this requirement. Forty-two percent (42%) say it’s at least somewhat likely that Israel will accept the creation of a Palestinian state, but 47% think it’s unlikely. This includes six percent (6%) who believe it is Very Likely and nine percent (9%) who say it’s Not At Likely.

Republicans feel more strongly than Democrats and voters not affiliated with either party that Palestinian leaders must recognize Israel’s right to exist in any peace agreement between the two.

Yet while 60% of Democratic voters believe Israel must recognize the creation of a Palestinian state in any such agreement, Republicans and unaffiliateds are more closely divided on the question.

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of all voters say they have been following recent news stories about Middle East peace talks at least somewhat closely