(Foxnews).Underscoring Israel's military might in the face of the Iranian threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned on Tuesday about the dangers of a nuclear Iran after visiting a submarine believed capable of firing nuclear-tipped missiles.
Netanyahu also took a ride on an Israeli missile ship that led the raid earlier this month on the Francop, which was loaded with arms Israel says were shipped from Iran and bound for Hizbullah.
"The threat that Iran poses is very grave for the state of Israel, for peace in the Middle East and the whole world," he said aboard the missile ship INS Eilat. "Without any doubt, we are the first target, but not the last."
The submarine that Netanyahu visited was one of three Dolphin-class vessels built in Germany that foreign press reports have said are carrying nuclear warheads. Two more are on order.
Israel has never confirmed the submarines have nuclear capabilities, as it never has confirmed media reports that it possesses a stockpile of nuclear weapons.
After complimenting the sailors for their hard work, Netanyahu got off the INS Eilat and stepped onto a dinghy to visit the navy base whose elite commandos captured the Francop arms vessel off the Cyprus coast earlier this month.
The waters were choppy and Netanyahu briefly wobbled, a pained look crossing his face. Aides rushed to help and a bodyguard placed his arms around the Israeli leader to help keep him steady.
Netanyahu also took a ride on an Israeli missile ship that led the raid earlier this month on the Francop, which was loaded with arms Israel says were shipped from Iran and bound for Hizbullah.
"The threat that Iran poses is very grave for the state of Israel, for peace in the Middle East and the whole world," he said aboard the missile ship INS Eilat. "Without any doubt, we are the first target, but not the last."
The submarine that Netanyahu visited was one of three Dolphin-class vessels built in Germany that foreign press reports have said are carrying nuclear warheads. Two more are on order.
Israel has never confirmed the submarines have nuclear capabilities, as it never has confirmed media reports that it possesses a stockpile of nuclear weapons.
After complimenting the sailors for their hard work, Netanyahu got off the INS Eilat and stepped onto a dinghy to visit the navy base whose elite commandos captured the Francop arms vessel off the Cyprus coast earlier this month.
The waters were choppy and Netanyahu briefly wobbled, a pained look crossing his face. Aides rushed to help and a bodyguard placed his arms around the Israeli leader to help keep him steady.