Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lebanese born WH press corp. Queen Helen Thomas tells Jews go back home to Germany and Poland

Helen Thomas's front-row presence in the White House press room is an honor bestowed by her colleagues, in recognition of her long-time service. She retired as a reporter about a decade ago--and now, at the age of 89, she writes a column for Hearst Newspapers. She is the daughter of Lebanese immigrants and her general views on the Middle East have long been known. Her specific views about Jews became a bit better known last week, when she told them to leave Israel and go back to Europe. This is odious, obviously.

After being asked for her opinion of Israel, Thomas responded by saying: "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine."

Turning her attention to the Palestinians, she said, "Remember, these people are occupied. And it's their land," adding the Jews should "go home" to Poland and Germany.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Lebanese born WH Corp Queen shows her hate and racism for the Jews, calling them occupiers from a Land that never existed in History, and calling them to go home to Poland and German , and we all know what happened to us at Home, and where she is kindly being treated escaping from here own Home to live in peace.

Again - Those troublesome 7 Million Jews are again on the slaughter table being sacrificed and blamed for the Worlds problems, as if withdrawing from our promised Land and giving up Gaza, 60% of the West Bank has brought Peace and security for the World.

But again We Jews as for 70 years ago are being blamed for the US Economic disaster, Hamas killing Its own people, Iraq civilian slaughter, and calls for the destruction of Israel are openly being Ignored and pushed off,antisemitism on the rise, and Peace making terror groups are picking up their Heads again, with Worlds recognitions and Ignorance of global threats...

Do we have to bow our heads, raise up white flags, and be driven once again to our Mass graves in the name of Democracy and freedom of speech?

We will not let that happen again.... And we will stand up for our rights of being treated as Human beings and free people... If we stand alone in this battle and struggle... We will fight back and we will prevail...

But may the World Know, this is a wake up call, a nightmare waking us up in sweat and fear, Dont turn ur head aside and mumble some encouraging words, May you all Know - that those that criticize us today, will be targeted Tomorrow, those who stay silence today, will be crying loud tomorrow, Those who fail to stand up for Freedom today , will be dragged down tomorrow...

We must denounce any rhetoric and sign of Anti Israel,anti Jewish and anti Semite comments today, before those Words,turn out to become Swords....