Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thousands in NY Protest Obama's Stance On Israel: "Obama is not Israel's landlord".

(WPIX) - Thousands of Jews gathered outside the Israeli Consulate Sunday to protest President Obama's position towards Israel.

Organizers said the event supports "Israel's right to build and live in its own country," as well as its right to unite Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. They are also protesting the Obama Administrations' alleged disregard of the democratic Jewish state.

"We are outraged that President Obama is scapegoating Israel and wants to expel Jews from their homes in Jerusalem. President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton show more anger about a Jewish family building a home in Jerusalem than Iran building a nuclear bomb," states Beth Gilinsky of the Jewish Action Alliance. "Vast segments of the Jewish community will not tolerate the President's continuing attacks on Israel. Grassroots Jewry will not be silent."

The speakers included Beth Gilinsky, who organized the rally, Joan Peters (author of From Time Immemorial), Rabbi Joseph Potasnik (co-host of Religion On the Line), Joy Brighton speaking on the Sharia finance of terrorism, and many others.

Speaker James Lafferty declared Benjamin Netanyahu the leader of the Free World now that Obama has vacated that post and suggested only somewhat facetiously that Netanyahu should run for the Presidency in the US since citizenship is not required anymore.

From my tweets @Bibireport:

#Dov Hikind at #NYCIsrael rally: If we do our part, I guarantee that God will do the rest of the Job.

#Dov Hikind at #NYCIsrael rally: Obama has new friends: Hizbullah and Hamas, but they are wrong friends...

#Dov Hikind at #NYCIsrael rally: where are the Congressamn..where are the jewish Leaders, where are you....

#R' Arie Sapiro at #NYCIsrael rally to PM Netanyahu: Obama is not a friend of Israel.. The American people are...

#R' Arie Sapiro at #NYCIsrael rally: Obama, you have embarrassed Americans....

#R' Arie Sapiro at #NYCIsrael rally: chanting with crowd- Barack Hussien Obama..No..No..No...

#R' Arie Sapiro at #NYCIsrael rally: Mr. Obama you are not Israel's Landlord, and so is Hillary not Israel's landlord.

#R' Arie Sapiro at #NYCIsrael rally: Mr. President - Jerusalem is not a settlement, it is the greatest Jewish city in the world ..

#R' Joe Potasnik at #NYCIsrael rally: when Obama says he stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel,he doesn't mean back to back but Face to face..

#Rabbi Joe Potesnik at #NYCIsrael rally:don't let anybody say we are working behind the scenes,as we saw in 1938.

#NYCIsrael rally:Hear me Obama: If we have been blinded now we see,if we have been we hear.if we were we will speak out .

#A speaker at the#NYCIsrael rally: takes out a pink slip to silent Jewish leaders: You are fired!!! You have not defended Israel..y'v failed.

#Michael Leyden at #NYCIsrael rally: we know that the civilized world say today: We are all Israeli's.

#Jone Peters at #NYCIsrael rally: I voted for Obama..but I found that he doesn't love Israel...we must not allow Obama to create a PA state.

#Rabbi Arie Sapiro at #NYCIsrael rally: Fear strong an courages... We have the convictionton to declare: this land is mine..