Monday, April 19, 2010

Netanyahu at ceremony for terror victims: Their only sin was living in Israel

"We commemorate the memory of thousands of terror victims murdered in attacks against Israel," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday at the opening of a Memorial Day ceremony in Jerusalem dedicated to the memory of victims of terror attacks.

"The only sin committed by these victims, was that they lived in Israel, or visited Israel. But they weren't sticklers ? they killed Israelis outside of Israel too. The murderers slaughtered them only because of their identity."

Netanyahu remarked that terror is not a new phenomenon, and that it has accompanied Zionism since the very beginning. "Today, the support is coming from the extreme Islamist regimes, headed by Iran, who have wholeheartedly adopted the calls to destroy Israel."

"The masterminds behind these attacks as well as those who carry them out erase the lines dividing babies from the elderly, dividing fighter from fighter, and dividing Jews and non-Jews,They have nothing but utter contempt for the values and rules customary in the human and enlightened world."

The prime minister added that Israel will extend its hands to "anyone who wishes to live with us in peace, but those who wish us ill, and those who kill our children, we will pursue everywhere and exact revenge for their hatred and their crimes."