Friday, January 8, 2010

Ben Kaspit-Maariv: Rahm Emanual briefs Media over his doubts on Netanyahu

I don't know how true this is, especially after the denial of the WH this week over Emanual's comments in his conversation with the consul in LA, and my naive belief of recent comments made by ambassador Oren, but if it is repeated twice in One week it has some sense what the WH appears to think on PM Netnayahu's efforts and moves.

In his weekly opinion in the Maariv newspaper - Ben Kaspit writes: ".... in the past weeks, Rahm Emanual got back to brief , and the conclusion of the words coming out of his mouth directed at Israel is this: 'In a matter of time, We do not see in Netanyahu a strategic partner, we have doubts on his advisability & his authenticity, Its right that as of now the Palestinians are the problem, but from Israel as a ally, we expected much more Collaboration'...."