Monday, July 27, 2009

Netanyahu Observes ahead Over Livni

The Mofaz bill that passed yesterday with a majority of 62 MK's in its first reading, more then it helped PM Netanyahu, regaining his Strength and his Deterrent capability over his coalition partners,and stability for the Government in case he manages to move forward with the Peace process and face rebelition in his own party, it Actualy helped Shaul Mofaz in his Fight within Kadima against its Chair woman Tzipi Livni ,First of All with his commitment that he will not leave Kadima with 7 members, rather pull in the whole Party into the Netanyahu Government, which gave him the upperhand as a Uniter and as the Guy that realy cares about the Country First and therefor would continue his efforts joining the Gov't and putting pressure on Livni , and from the Other side as he announced on Channel 2 right after the vote: "I am not going to split from Kadima and join Netanyahu. I am going to run against Netanyahu in the elections for prime minister, and I will defeat him."

And Mofaz added that he thought Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni had made two great mistakes in the past year - first, her failure to form a coalition in October, and second, her refusal to join the new coalition after February's election, His efforts are focused now on regaining the Leadership of the Party , and from his side Livni will owe Bibi a Thank you for allowing her and her colleges that refuse to join the Government to split and remain in Opposition with 7 Mk's.

So with Reguard to all critic, the Brialliant oberservation caused Damage only to the Opposition Leader Livni, Giving the Upperhand for Netanyahu in his own party and Coalition ,handing him the tools to reshuffle, and the Upperhand for Mofaz over livni in capturing the Party leadership.