Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gideon Levy - on Livni's failure as Opposition Leader

Kadima has nothing to offer. It's doubtful this refugee party ever had anything genuine to offer except Ariel Sharon, but in opposition versus Netanyahu it seems to have lost both its way and voice.

Netanyahu's nays are Livni's nays: nay to the lifting of the siege on Gaza, nay to the right of return, nay to Hamas. These nays render any peace impossible.

The ayes are also the same ayes. Livni can attack Netanyahu all week long for being so slow in following her lead, but this is not presenting an alternative. She can attack his susceptibility to pressure all week long, but this is exactly why he was eventually able to agree to her two-state formula. She cannot offer an alternative except being nice to Washington. She would have been intelligent enough to wink at U.S. President Barack Obama, to deceive the Americans yet again, perhaps even to convince them to believe Itzik's lies about the Palestinians' refusing peace. Hooray.

And then what? We'd have been sentenced to four more years of barren negotiations leading us to a dead end. After all, this was the way of the previous Kadima government. In fact, Netanyahu's "street brawl" with the Americans is precisely what can lead to much more than yet another "peace process" by Livni, who doesn't even have the courage to say clearly what she thinks on freezing settlement construction. Kadima should have developed an alternative and attracted a large enough public to support it.

It's not enough to feature in gossip columns, to tease Netanyahu ("Be a man and give in"), and even to think up witty stickers.