(4international).The coming General Election in Israel is the most important in its history. Everything in this election centres on the issue of the creation of the Palestine Jihadist Jew Hating state engineered by US and EU Imperialism out of Israeli land. These Jew haters have been aided by traitors in Israel itself. The question in the election is can these Fascists and Jew Haters be stopped since they are backed by huge swathes of international opinion which has been taken in by the “Palestinian” myth and lies, and how it can be stopped.
4international is based in this election on learning the lessons and opposing the absolutely criminal and traitorous policy of Barak, Livni and Olmert, carrying on from the Sharon betrayal over Gaza, and the need to expunge this reactionary excrescence out of Israeli politics.
We call for an unmistable vote for Netanyahu, and for the slate of Netanyahu. This does not mean that we are fully in agreement with Netanyahu. But in this election it is vital to form a United Front with Netanyahu and his team and against those who would sell out on the issue of the Palestine state issue.