Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kadima suspending Campaign event due to situation (click to link)

Remember John McCain suspending his campaign due to the Economic crisis in order to show leadership while he had no solution to the crisis ,But Obama responded that a leader has to be able to deal with a few crisis as it comes and not run away, this is what the election is about - who will change this situation and who offers solutions.
Tzipi Livni has no Solution to the current situation and is responsible to it,as its party is in control,And without any Hope to offer and any solutions,She tries to run away and blame others.
This is what the Election is all about, and instead of showing sympathy for the citizens suffering from the current security crisis, That Kadima and its government paved us into it,Kadima has to take responsibility and pay the price for the failure,The Israeli people are waiting for leadership and security,This is the choice in this important Election.