Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Netanyahu: I wish Kadima would invest 10% of their energy they use against me,To fight the Hamas & Terror

Netanyahu in a feisty Interview on Reshet bet claimed that the continuation of rockets being fired on Israel Must stop.
On the interviewer's request If he has such a clear message and his rhetoric is so fluent why he wouldn't face a Debate against Livni, Netanyahu replied that First of all Livni has to debate herself and decide what her Stands on the issues are, And the absurd is that Kadima has the Chutzpa to vow for Change when they are the one responsible to the current crisis.
He also had a message to the Failed Government and leadership of Kadima: I wish they would invest only 10% of their energy they use against me, to fight against the Hamas, and fight for the Problem that we face in these difficult times.