Friday, November 21, 2008

Revealed! Kadima's campaign strategy: Negative personal Attacks

With no real Solutions and no Accomplishments over the past few years and Answers to the real Problem's that our country faces , Kadima-Livni will repeat their ongoing negative campaigning, and personal Attacks on Mr. Netanyahu.

We can tolerate 3 Months of Negative attacks, but the Israeli People can not Tolerate 5 more years of negative accomplishments, negative Solutions, and Zero Leadership and mismanagement on Security, the Future of our Land, and The state of the Economy, Enough is Enough!.

Israel is looking out for solutions, for Leadership, for Answers, and for Positive steps to get us out of the Ditch ,and once more bring this Country we so Love to a Safer & Better Future.

On Feb. 10 Israel will choose Yes! for a Secured nation, Yes! for a strong Economy, Yes! for Leadership, Yes! for Straight talk and Straight Walk, Yes! for a Brighter & Better Future for our Kids and generations to Come.