Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jewish Blogger: Bibi is the only choice

....I hate Netanyahu for his extreme capitalistic views, his trickle-down economy strategy and his efforts to make the richer richer and the poorer poorer. But he is the only candidate that doesn’t want to throw me out of my home. And with a new American president who might very well be interested in dividing our land, we need a strong Prime minister who won’t cave in to american pressure. Netanyahu has in the past (the primaries against Sharon in the Likud in the early 2000’s… when was that…? when Sharon was reelected…?) said “no palestinian independent country” which does sound like he knows what he talks about. On the other hand, he is a politician. He might cave in like the others. On the third hand, he was Prime Minister 1996-1999 and did a good job back then....