Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sarah Palin: I stand strong with Israel, 'No!' on Cutting US Aid to Israel

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin came out strongly in favor of continued U.S. foreign aid to Israel in a Sunday interview with Judge Jeanine Pirro on Foxnews.
"You know I'm sure that there's some waste and fraud in our foreign aid we need to find efficiencies and not give to any regime that would seek to harm Americans in any sense of the word 'harm,'I don't support that kind of foreign aid at all. but when it comes to Israel - NO... I stand strong with Israel and unapologetically I say that America should keep this strong democratic ally that we have there in the Middle East and allow for protections around Israel."
"Think of what this state Israel has gone through, and what they have suffered through and what they have triumphed over, It is really telling about their tenacity and their character and it's just one reason, that character, as to why it is that we want them as our friend."