Imitating UK politics, Opposition leader Tzipi Livni wants to keep her party together in Opposition ,Kadima leader Tzipi Livni finally formed a "government" on Monday, seven months after failing to build a real coalition when she had the opportunity to do so in October,This time what she formed was a "shadow government," modeled after its namesake in the United Kingdom. The shadow ministers will head task forces of Kadima MKs that will set the party's agenda in their areas of expertise and respond to the government's actions on related issues, placing most of them in same position they held in the previous failed Kadima Gov't.
Defense: Shaul Mofaz
Finance: Roni Bar-on
Education: Ronit Tirosh
Intern: Mier Shitrit
Internal Security: Avi Dichter
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We wish her alot of Success and many years serving in her Shadow Government, and trying to offer better solutions rather then personal attacks.