Thursday, December 18, 2008

Maariv Poll: Likud & Kadima tied at 30

Likud 30
Kadima 30
Labor 12
Liberman 12
Shas 9

Don't give up , we had Hope when we were down ,And we had hope when we were up, Victory is going to Emerge because we need Leadership that Unites us ,that Secures us,that Protects us,that will serve us with honour, integrity and pride, with your help we will win with a majority to get this Country back on Tracks and Build a Strong Nation that does not fear,does not Surrender,does not Give up,That fights for its existent and that lives in Peace and Security, and enjoys the Fruits we plant,Now is the time to Wake up and To defend ourselves,from our enemies, and bring us all together - One nation ,to a brighter Future.