If Action means words and Change means more of the same , then we understand why a failed policy, a direction to nowhere and lack of Leadership is turned into a succes and a fresh start to Politics and a New page for the Future of our Country.
With painting the Likud as a far Extreme rightwing party because of 1 or 2 individuals with other views of the majority of the Party's Platform, claiming that his views and ideolegy will effect and guide the next goverment and its Direction, Livni and Kadima fail to answer a simple question that hardly bothers the Media but is important to be answered to the Israeli Public, how come Livni failed to force her views and values over the current administration , failed to force Olmert to resign of his post prior the his considered indicment , Failed to stop the quassam and rockets falling over Shderot and the nearby cities , Failed to get the goverment to respond and Act in Gazza , and above all failed to Create a Coalition in 42 days and had no Impact over the current Economy crisis.
Where is the Clean Politics and the leadership that will put the People trust in, when most of the senior Ministers were indicted or are under investigation, Her Campaign Manager is currently in process court hearings, and all she can offer the Israeli electorate is Personal negative attacks , painting the Likud as a extreme rightwing party cuz of its love to Israel ,its commitment to Security and its apposing giveaway land to Terrorist groups that seek only to Destroy us.
The Israeli people want Leadership that will succeed in delivering hope, answers , and a Future for the tasks that face us day by day, the Choice is Clear, and on Feb. 10 the People will let their voices be heard Loud and clear for Change, properity and a brighter Future for the sake of the State of Israel we so Love.