Sunday, December 21, 2008

Livni is bringing up bad Memories of a Failed war on Kadima's behalf

Livni vows to topple Hamas if elected PM
(Reuters) - Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni vowed on Sunday to end Hamas's rule in the Gaza Strip if she is elected prime minister in a February election.

"The state of Israel, and a government under me, will make it a strategic objective to topple the Hamas regime in Gaza," Livni told members of her centrist Kadima party. "The means for doing this should be military, economic and diplomatic."

Mrs. Livni's commitment to topple the hamas regime ,And Kadima's senior officials calling for action in Gaza, bring up bad memories by the Israeli people, of a failed war in Lebanon,and failing policies that led to this security crisis,And brings up concerns on Livni's credibility to lead Israel in these difficult times,To assure security for israel,Israel needs strong leadership that can handle a crisis and put the people's trust in them to assure security for israel.