Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Britain's PM David Cameron: Its time to ratchet up pressure on Iran

British Prime Minister David Cameron said Tuesday it was time to increase pressure on Iran to abandon its disputed nuclear program.

"Even if Iran were to complete the deal proposed in their recent agreement with Turkey and Brazil, it would still retain around 50 percent of its stockpile of low enriched uranium, and it is this stockpile that could be enriched to weapons grade uranium.

"For the last six years we have pursued a twin-track policy offering engagement, but being prepared to apply pressure.

"I believe it is time to ratchet up that pressure, and the timetable is short.

"This government has a clear objective to ensure stronger U.N. and EU sanctions against Iran."

As Liam Fox the new Defence Secretary said in Interview with The Telegraph, That the UK's foreign policy will be focused on Iran:

“You’ve had Ahmadinejad talking about wiping Israel off the face of the map. People here may think that’s hyperbole but there are people in Israel who remember the last time someone said ‘We’re going to wipe you off the face of the map’ and had a damn good try at it .... Unless we get a sense of urgency into the European Union and other Western countries, there’s a danger that we either end up with Iran with a bomb or a bombed Iran .... Our policy is always not to rule anything out ... The Iranian regime need to understand that we are serious when we say they cannot become a nuclear-weapon state.”/div>