Thursday, September 24, 2009

Netanyahu a Leader for Leaders

(james4america).Without fear, without trepidation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the world leaders that they must face the challenges posed by the likes of Iran’s Ahmedinejad. He made no apologies for the existence of Israel, nor for the demand that all nations recognize the State of Israel. In no uncertain terms, the Prime Minister rebutted the naive and weak intonation of the Obama administration. Basically, he showed what it sounds like to be a true leader.

The leaders gathered at the United Nations, including the leader who is supposed to represent OUR interests, could all take lessons from Netanyahu. He is a man of strong conviction, and is willing to accept the challenges that his position presents. He is well aware of the risks he faces, personally and politically, and his decisions, from all apearances, are not “flip-flop” in nature