Although the Media and the Spinners in kadima will try to sell you that Kadima is the one that won this Election and its a personal win for Livni and a personal blow for Netanyahu,The real victor in this Election is Netanyahu and it is a personal win for him and our hats come off to congratulate him for his Success and personal Acchievment, and here is why:
Netanyahu ran a campaign with a minumum budget of 40 million NIS,was personaly attacked by almost every party from the left to the Right and above all Kadima,With a MS Media coverage that didnt hide its motion of helping Livni to overcome netanyahu by agreeing to Kadima's spin that this is a 2 man race, and giving Livni all the legitimatecy of being reconized as the only one that will stop Bibi,while hiding any discussion on her experience and her partnership in the current Government.
From a Party that dealt with a blow the past Election and only 12 members, with 50 seats for the rightwing Bloc,Netanyahu succeeded in enlarging the Likud party support to 27 seats,a rich and honourable list without all the extremists, and brought back from Kadima 15 seats that went after Sharon in 2006, and Although Lieberman's support in the right he accheived to close the gap with Kadima the incumbent party and is on the way to form a coalition and create a Unity government that will lead us to a better Future.
While Kadima's support came on expense of the leftwing voters, and its now the second time livni fails to meet the challange of creating a government and becoming PM,this is certainly not a win and no indication of public support, the only thing she acchieved is that she stays a public figure in political life and is to get a powerful position in the likud Unity government.
This election is a comeback for Netanyahu when he returns to the Office of PM after 10 years of serving this Nation with love and passion but without any power,and it goes back almost 30 years of Public service for this Country and now is to lead this Nation with the ideals and leadership he was blessed with to lead this Country to a better and brighter Future.
Long live Benjamin Netanyhau, and the State of Israel.