
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Collecting Votes, Shas Leaders Get the Kick Out of Facebook

Aryeh Deri and Eli Yishai are starting to get the kick out of social media. While Eli Yishai has been a while of Facebook, Aryeh Deri, a considerable newbie to the new political spectrum opened his own Facebook Page, getting over 5000 likes in less than a day.

In the same time, looks like Eli Yishai has just figured out what FB is, according to a status he posted this morning: "Facebook, a huge virtual world. Before I knew what Facebook is all about I did not recognize the posts, photos, emotions and the personal feeling. Now after it has became public  I enjoy your comments and very much appreciate the mutual connection between us. After becoming aware of this world,I found this something extraordinary, in Facebook, friends that would of never established with me this personal interaction on a daily basis. Now, with just a press of a button you become friends with a stranger, read his comments, post your statuses, create positive feedback that is so required from a public servant. This connection is important and appropriate to carry across our talking points, receiving response or criticism from you my friends on Facebook." In conclusion Eli Yishai pleads: "In order to increase our base of friends, please share this page with all your friends and together we will build a strong and large group, with God's help. Love you, Eli Yishai."