Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anti religous Tzipi Livni gets hysterical and attacks MK Porush and Netanyahu for division: "Don't attack Kadima's Jewishness"

(Ynet).Opposition leader Tzipi Livni rejected attacks against Kadima members' commitment to Judaism Wednesday, saying there is no room for such divisive charges in the local political scene.

Addressing the issue, Kadima's chairwoman said: "Earlier today, the deputy education minister yelled that Kadima members cannot be religious, and later Housing Minister Ariel Atias from Shas said Ashkenazim have nothing to do with synagogues."

"No one has the right to take Judaism and the sense of belonging to the Jewish people away from Kadima's people, from Kadima voters, and from Israel's citizens," she said. "We cannot have anyone in this country saying that someone else cannot feel Jewish."

Livni added that "we already experienced periods where we saw how divisiveness, conflict and ethnicity are used as a political means, and today the prime minister is letting this happen."

"This is not a political matter," she said. "This has to do with genuine unity which needs to be brought to this nation, instead of the divisiveness."

During Livni's speech, Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush (United Torah Judaism) was removed from the Knesset by ushers after interrupting her with various chants. Earlier, Porush yelled out at Kadima officials: "A religious person cannot be a member of Kadima."