Friday, February 27, 2009

Keep strong Netanyahu! You can do it.

Although Livni and Barak rejected your pledge and outstanding effort to form a Unity Government for the tasks that are ahead of us, We stay behind you and support you to lead this nation in these difficult times,as they predicted when you took the offer from Sharon to serve as Finance Minister that you are going into a death-bed and that there is no Chance of success for you,Your hard working and your designated love for our State helped us get out of the Ditch and proved all the pundits and predictors wrong,Now is the time that Israel needs a leader like you to serve us and to lead us,we have waisted 10 years and we cant waste more time,the tasks ahead of us and the capability to achieve success and bring us all together is sewed on to your suit, You can do it,and with God's help you will succeed.