
Monday, March 4, 2013

Biden Assures AIPAC: Security of Israel Is Our Naked Self-Interest

Vice President Joe Biden didn't say anything new that was not known until now of the Obama administration, at the AIPAC's annual conference. hence, amidst the security challenges ahead and the start of a second term for the Obama administration, the Vice President felt eager to tout the administration's achievements in terms of assisting Israel with its defense shield, and reassuring the pro Israel crowd that Israel has his and the President's back.

"From the moment the President took office, he has acted swiftly and decisively to make clear to the whole world and to Israel that even as circumstances have changed, one thing has not:  our deep commitment to the security of the state of Israel, said Vice President Joe Biden.  "That has not changed.  That will not change as long as I, and he are President and Vice President of the United States. It’s in our naked self-interest, beyond the moral imperative."

On Iran, the vice president made it very clear that containment is not an option, not even as a thought. "Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon not only would present an existential threat to Israel, it would present a threat to our allies and our partners—and to the United States. .... So we have a shared strategic commitment," he said.

"Let me make clear what that commitment is: It is to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Period. End of discussion. Prevent—not contain—prevent. The President has flatly stated that… We’ll be in the security room…. He’ll turn to other people and say ... big nations can’t bluff. Well, big nations can’t bluff. And Presidents of the United States cannot and do not bluff. And President Barack Obama is not bluffing. He is not bluffing,' Biden added.

Biden also previewed President Obama's upcoming visit to Israel, adding "I have to admit I’m a little jealous that he gets to be the one to say “this year in Jerusalem,” but I’m the Vice President. I’m not the President."

Biden, also had a word of praise to outgoing Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who might have spent more time in DC with the President's National Security team then with his own staff back at home. Raising his voice to the highest level possible, Biden added a version of his own to summarize Ehud Barak's devotion to the state of Israel over the past 30 years or more.

"There is a standup guy. There is a standup guy. Standing up for his country, putting his life on the line for his country, and continuing to defend the values that we all share. I’m a fan of the man," The Vice President said.