
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Poll: Shas 2nd Victim Losing Votes to Bayit Yehudi; Likud Strongest Amoung Young Voters

Shas is the 2nd on the list to lose a substantial amount of votes to Naftali Bennett's Bayit Yehudi party, who has suprisingly gained five seats in the past week to a total of 18 projected seats if elections were held today, according to a Geocartography poll conducted for Reshet Bet. Shas would receive only 8 seats.

The joint Likud Beitenu list seemed to have stalled its downwards trend, with 35 seats, and with the strongest base of certain voters (78%  are certain about their vote). Labor party would receive 18 seats, however, only 58% are most certain about their vote, the poll shows.

The most surprising of all, is Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid Party that has significantly lost half of its seats, dropping to five, with only 50% certain of their vote, according to the poll. The poll also shows vague support for Tzipi Livni's Hatnu'a Party, that gained one seat since last week, placing it at a total of six seats. Religious Zionist party Strong Israel, for some odd reason gained two seats for a total of six seats.

Overall, The Right-Wing/Religious parties bloc would win 73 mandates and the Center-Left/Arab parties bloc would win only 47 seats, according to the poll.

Another interesting fact in the poll, is the amount of support the Bayit Yehudi has gained among young voters (ages 18-34) in the past two weeks. 

While the Likud Beitenu remains the most preferred party among young voters, with 16.3% (adds up to 10 seats), The Bayit Yehudi has now risen to be the second strongest party among these voters, supported by 15.1% , which accumulates to 9.5 seats. Voters under the age of 34 make up 37% of registered voters.

The graph also show a dramatic rise of support for Bennett's party among secular young voters, 21% of support compared to 0% two weeks ago.