
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Netanyahu Has Strongest Base of Voters; Liked Among most of Bayit yehudi Voters

Netanyahu has the strongest base of voters and is most strongest among likely voters who name security matters as most important issue, Shelly Yechimovich merely attracts Right-Wing voters, and Naftali Bennett has place to expand support, but could also lose support of voters who might return home to Likud Beitenu, the TRI poll conducted by Steve Miller for the Times of Israel finds.

Key Findings: 


-Of the 12% of voters who chose the Iranian threat and 7% who chose instability in the region — both security issues — as the most important issues facing the next government, Likud-Beitenu receives 41% and 31% of the vote.

-Of those voters who are favorable to Netanyahu, 62% are self described right wing, 29% centrists, and 3% left wing.

- Orthodox voters comprise only 13% of Likud-Beitenu voters.

-Netanayhu has a 99% of favorability among Likud-Beitenu voters.

-Bennett has a 84% positive view among self-defined very right voters; 37/36 among center leaned voters.

-71% of the voters who are favorable to Bennett are also favorable to prime minister Netanyahu

-Netanyahu’s rating as prime minister among Jewish Home voters is split evenly - 51% excellent and good job, to 49% fair and bad job.

-Support for Bennett’s Jewish Home party is driven by Orthodox Jews who comprise 64% of his current votes, followed by 20% traditional (masorti), 11% secular and 3% ultra-Orthodox (haredi).

-46% of likely voters viewing Yechimovich positively and 39% negatively; Among Right-Wing voters 54% have a negative opinion of her, to 31% who have a positive view.

-50% of undecided voters have a favorable view towards Yechimovich, followed by 48% of Meretz, 44% of Shas, 43% of Hatnua, 39% of Yesh Atid, 34% of Jewish Home, and 32% of Likud-Beitenu voters.

-Of Labor voters, 88% have positive views of Yechimovich.

-Among the voters (46%) who view Yechimovich positively, 46% view Netanyahu positively and 52% negatively.

-38%  of Likely voter have a positive opinion of Tzipi Livni and 41% a negative opinion. The positive rating is split between 5% very positive and 33% somewhat positive.

-70% of voters living in Jerusalem view Livni unfavorably.

-Even among voters who view the country as moving in the wrong direction, the split of Livni's favorable rating is even, at 44% each positive and negative.

-Livni gets a 56% positive and 36% negative among centrist voters, 50% positive and 37% negative on the left, and a 19% positive and 69% negative rating among Right voters.

-64% of those who view Livni positively self-identify as secular Jews,  22% identifying as traditional Jews, 6% as Orthodox Jews, and 6% as non-Jews.

-Only 18% of those voters who view Livni positively say the deterioration of relations with the Palestinians is the key issue in the election.
-Of those voters who do intend to vote for Hatnu'a, 64% believe economic issues are the most important issues facing the next government, while 25% say the deterioration of relations with the Palestinians