
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reshet Bet/Smith Poll: 53% of Likely Voters Trust Netanyahu on Diplomatic/Security Matters

With 40 days to go before the Knesset elections, the latest Smith Institute poll conducted for "Hakol Diburim" radio program on Reshet Bet projects 39 seats for Likud Beitenu, 19 for Labor, 10 for Shas and the Jewish home respectfully; Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid and Tzipi Livni's Hatnu'a 9 seats respectfully.

When respondents were asked whom they trust handling diplomatic affairs and security matters? 53 percent of likely voters said they trust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, compared to only 13% who trust Tzipi Livni, and 10% Shelly Yechimovich. Among Likud voters, Netanyahu is trusted by 89% and among Hatnu'a voters by 24%. Among those voters who have remained undecided, Netanyahu is trusted by 48 percent, while only 16% seem to trust Tzipi Livni.

These results indicate the strength of Prime minister Netanyahu in the field of diplomacy and national security matters, not facing any kind of challenge, even from former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who's campaign narrative is driven by focusing on the peace process and Israel's isolation in the world.