
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Poll: Only 45.6% of Ultra-Orthodox Plan Voting for Religious Parties

A unique look at the pattern of the Ultra-Orthodox sect, which ultimately reflects in the weakness of the Religious parties to grow from election to election, based on natural growth.

According to a poll conducted by Motagim (brands) tInstitute for the weekly Mishpacha magazine, only 45.6 percent plan voting for the religious parties - Shas and United Torah Judaism - in the upcoming Jan. 22 elections. 10% would rather vote either for a different party or for a Zionist Party, while 30.1% remain undecided, with less than 40 days to go till election day.

When respondent were asked whom they prefer seeing as the head of the next government for Prime Minister? 36.5% expressed their support for Netanyahu as this preferable choice, 6.6% for Yechimovich, only 2.8% Tzipi Livni or Ehud Olmert, and 53% said neither of the above or didn't wish to express an opinion.

The poll also found 8.6 percent of Haredim identified as 'Hasidim,' prefer seeing Shelly Yechimovich as Prime Minister, compared to 6.3% of Lithuanians and 3.7% of Shephardim.