
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Olmert Slams Yechimovich's Socialist Plan as 'Populism and Irresponsible'

(via Jpost). Former prime minister Ehud Olmert called Labor Party's economic platform "superficial populism" at an economic conference on Sunday.

"A month and a half before the election, we see politicians saying 'hurt business and save the economy.' It's popular, and if you say take money from the rich, it's even more popular," he said. "There is no economic growth in a country without vibrant businesses that have a chance of earning money." 

Olmert slammed Yecimovich's plan proposing an annual NIS 28 billion increase in the deficit over the next five years. "These proposals are superficial populism and irresponsible," he stated. 

Labor responded to the criticism, saying it does not hate the rich and encourages business, works to increase competition in the market and help most Israeli citizens. 

"It is not coincidental that Olmert, who over years connected the rich to the government and led hundreds of millions of shekels to flow into the pockets of the rich, is now standing by them," a party spokesman said. "As someone convicted of breach of trust and who kept envelopes of dollars on him, Olmert should avoid speaking about these topics and disappear from Israeli public life."