
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Labor Internal Poll: Jobs, Food Prices and Economy Are Israelis Top Concern in the Elections

A internal survey conducted by Stanley Greenberg for the Labor Party campaign reveals an interesting phenomenon - which indicates that the upcoming Knesset elections might take a turn for the first time in shaping the outcome, depending on the narrative, if Yechimovich indeed manages to drive the conversation about socioeconomic issues.

According to the Internals, published on Shelly Yechimovich's website, 44 percent of Israelis place Jobs, food prices and the economy as the highest priority for the next Government to deal with and  focus on , Education is in the second place of voters minds, with 29 percent expressing it as a main concern,  27 percent - Poverty and social justice, 23 percent cite the peace process, 18 percent Iran, and only 6 percent say US-Israel relations is an issue.

Greenberg notes (without details,) that right now Netanyahu has a significant lead over Yechimovich, but that could turn into a virtual tie if the economy is the leading issue, weighted on voters minds.

If elections were to be held today, the poll shows Likud Beitenu with 39 projected seats; Labor with 21; Yesh Atid 10; Shas and the Jewish Home 9 seats respectfully; Livni and UTJ 7 seats respectfully, Meretz 5; the Arab Parties 11 and Kadima doesn't meet the threshold of even one representative entering the next Knesset.