
Friday, December 14, 2012

Jpost/ Geocartography poll: The Jewish Home Competing with Labor for 2nd Place

Likud Beitenu is for the first time losing more seats to its main rival in the right, Naftali Bennett's Jewish Home, which would get 16 seats compared to Likud Beitenu's 35 projected seats, according to the latest Geocartography poll taken for The Jerusalem Post Group’s Hebrew daily the Israel Post.

Netanyahu's only comfort is that voters are at least staying home within the right-wing bloc, not shifting to the center-left to Tzipi Livni's Hatnu'a party, that would only garner 7 seats, according to this poll. 

Labor would win 17 seats, Yesh Atid 12, Shas 10, United Torah Judaism and Meretz six each, Hadash and United Arab List four apiece, and Balad three. Kadima, Am Shalem, Strong Israel and Green Leaf would not pass the 2-percent electoral threshold.

When asked whether the country’s diplomatic situation had improved or worsened over the past four years, 54.1 percent of respondents said it had worsened, 15.4% said it had improved, and 23.6% said there had been no change.

When asked about Netanyahu’s performance as prime minister, 40.3% gave him a good grade, 17.7% said he was average, and 34% called his performance bad. 

Regarding the country’s security situation, 28.6% said it had worsened over the past four years, 26.2% said it had improved, and 28.7% considered it the same.

Twenty-four percent of the respondents said their personal economic situation had improved over the past four years, 38.7% said it was the same, and 31.5% said it had worsened.