
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Haaretz Poll: Livni Hasn't Attracted A Single Seat from National Camp

Game Over or what? Likud Beiteinu is gaining strength while Labor is weakening, in the latest Haaretz/Dialog poll conducted 4 days after the Knesset lists were submitted to the election committee. Tzipi Livni, while siphoning votes from Labor and Yesh Atid,  has not managed to attract even a single Knesset seat's worth of votes from the National camp. Nor has Amir Peretz's last-minute enlistment to Hatnu'ah changed the party's standing in the polls.

In response to the question, "Who, in your opinion, will be the next prime minister: Benjamin Netanyahu, Shelly Yechimovich or Tzipi Livni?" 81 percent of the respondents answered "Netanyahu." 

On the question of the candidates' suitability to be premier - a critical question in any election - Netanyahu beat out the pretenders to the throne by nearly inconceivable numbers. When asked to chose between Netanyahu and either Livni or Yechimovich, 64 percent said he was the most suitable candidate. In comparison, Livni got 24 percent, and Yachimovich took 17 percent.

"It makes Yacimovich and Livni seem laughably arrogant in depicting themselves as candidates for prime minister," writes Yossi Verter in Haaretz

Likud-Beiteinu would receive 39 projected seats, if elections were held today, while Labor falls from 20 to 17 seats, Livni's Party with 9 seats and Lapid's Yesh Atid with six projected seats only.