
Friday, January 2, 2009


Rassmusen Poll:
Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans back Israel's decision to take military action against the Palestinians, but only half as many Democrats (31%) agree. A majority of Democrats (55%) say Israel should have tried to find a diplomatic solution first, a view shared by just 27% of Republicans.
Forty-three percent (43%) of Republicans have a Very Favorable view of Israel, an opinion shared by just 23% of Democrats and 22% of unaffiliated voters. Thirty-five percent (35%) of Republicans have a Very Unfavorable view of the Palestinians, compared to 19% of unaffiliateds and 13% of Democrats.
While 75% of Republicans say Israel is an ally of the United States, just 55% of Democrats agree. Seven percent (7%) of Democrats say Israel is an enemy of America, but only one percent (1%) of Republicans say the same. For 21% of Republicans, Israel is somewhere in between, and 28% of Democrats agree.