
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Likud: Elected Kadima team failed in Lebanon

Kadima's political rivals from the Left and from the Right were quick to slam the ruling party following the results of its primary elections Wednesday night.

Labor MK Ophir Pines said, "80% of Kadima's electives are former Likud members, who wouldn't hesitate to go back or merge with the Likud in the future. The Israel center-left cannot rely on Kadima to represent it.

"It's list is mediocre and even the few professors that were left on it have been pushed back to unrealistic places."

Another Labor official said, "The computerized system in Kadima may have worked, but the moral system has collapsed. The few that showed up to vote have elected figures that a layman would not only not allow into the Knesset, but wouldn't even allow them into his home."

Likud sources also commented on the results, saying the ruling party has elected a team that is not capable of running a country.

"Kadima's team and Tzipi Livni at its head failed in the Second Lebanon War, in dealing with the Qassam showers in the south and in stabilizing the economy," a Likud official said.