
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Arutz 2 poll: Likud heading to Victory

The poll conducted for the program of nissim Mishal:
Likud 29
Kadima 25
Labor 10
Shas 12
Liberman 12

Although this is the first poll that shows Likud lower then the past few weeks (the effect that the likud was on offence all week defending itself of the media,Kadima,& labor Attacks, and had no Time presenting its Plans and starting the Campaign),From each way you look at it, the Likud has the only chance to create a Government, if it is a right wing/religious or a Unity Government, While Livni with all her comments that she will not surrender to Shas, and that she doesn't trust and Believe Bibi, and that his ideology is to Blame the current crisis, not only doesn't her Party rise in any Poll, but she has no Chance what so ever to Create a Government, unless she gives up her so called Integrity and authenticity that is her only theme she is running on, without offering any Solution.

Here is the calculation:
Right wing government: 63 mandates (Likud,Shas,Liberman,Aguda,Jewish home)
Unity government with Labor: 73 (the above and Labor)
Centerist Unity Government: 88 (Likud,Kadima,Labor,Shas,Liberman)

While livni with all her Efforts can't even form any government unless she gives up on all her promises, and all her beliefs, and starts trusting Netanyahu, but then she risks her Political Life , and if you cant trust her, why vote for her, Netanyahu has at least accomplishments and solutions and a Optimist Way to lead this Nation, while Livni offers only Clean politics and different Leadership but No solutions and no accomplishments other then Blame...Blame...and Blame.